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Admissions to Nursery and full time school

Applying for a part-time (nursery/ F1) school place

The school has a fifty two place Foundation 1 Unit (Nursery) and children attend for half day sessions, 15 hours per week (3 hrs each morning or 3 hrs each afternoon) . If places are available children are admitted into the Foundation Nursery the term after they are aged 3 in September (Autumn Term), January (Spring Term) and April (Summer Term).


If places are available, they are allocated following the Nottinghamshire Local Authority criteria:


* Live in catchment with a sibling in JTR, Newlands, Garibaldi

Criteria 2

* Live in catchment

Criteria 3

* Live out of catchment with a sibling in JTR, Newlands, Garibaldi

Criteria 4

*Live out of catchment


Children who are admitted into Nursery in September will usually spend three terms before starting full time school, from September to July. If there are places available,  and your child is eligible to start in January or April, we will contact you and offer you a place - this will normally be a term prior to your child potentially starting. Otherwise most children will start in a September. 

Parents/ Carers who have registered their child(ren) for a part-time nursery place are contacted the term before they are due to start in the Foundation Unit and advised if we have a place available for their child. If there is a place, arrangements are made for their child to attend induction sessions. All sessions are held in the schools Foundation Stage Unit.  On registering parents/ Carers may request a preference on morning or afternoon sessions but this cannot be guaranteed until a place is firmly offered. This firm offer is usually half a term before a child starts in Nursery. 

Parents/carers wishing to register their child may do so from 6 months' old completing a registration form. Please contact school directly on 01623 465588  or alternatively parents/carers are welcome to call in at the school office to register their interest for a nursery place. You will be asked to complete an Registration Form, which will be securely stored until the term before they are due to start. Please be aware registering an interest in a Nursery place does not automatically guarantee a place will be available.


Visits are warmly welcomed prior to application so please phone the school office (01623 465588) or email ( to arrange a suitable date and time. 


ALL DAY Foundation Stage 1/Nursery 30 Free Hours


Working parents/carers of 3 & 4 year olds may be eligible for a further 15 hours per week free childcare in addition to the existing 15 hours provided.  This is known as the 30 Hour Entitlement.  You can find full details & check your eligibility via the following websites:


If you are eligible for 30 hours entitlement & would like more details or to apply for a place please contact the school office on 01623 465588 or by email  Places will be limited in order to free up 15 hour places.


Nursery Times


Morning Session 3 hours:  8:30am - 11:30am Mon - Fri

Afternoon sessions 3 hours: 12:30pm - 3:30pm Mon - Fri

All Day 30 hours entitlement: 8:30am - 3:30pm Mon - Fri*


*There will be a small charge of £3.00 per day for all children attending all day to cover the cost of childcare whilst the children have lunch if they are 30 hours. 







Even though a child may attend John T. Rice School’s Foundation unit (F1 Nursey), parents/carers still have to apply for a full time place in school. We currently have a planned admission number (PAN) of 50 places. If parents live in Nottinghamshire, they must apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council. A letter/ email will be sent from the LA (Local Authority) with details on how to apply and deadlines etc. Parents may choose any school for a full time place but standard admission criteria as below will be applied.

All Nottinghamshire schools now admit pupils at one point of entry. Children will be admitted to full-time school in the September following their fourth birthday. Some parents may wish to defer the start of full-time education until compulsory school age. Parents/carers should discuss this option with the Headteacher of your preferred school or the School Admissions Team.

Parents who are considering sending their child to John T. Rice Infant & Nursery school are welcome to visit by arranging a time with the Headteacher (Mrs Bennett).

Over subscription
In the event of oversubscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted places:

  1. Children looked after by a local authority and previously looked after children.
  2. Children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending JTR, Newlands or Garibaldi
  3. Children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications.
  4. Children who live out of catchment with a sibling in JTR, Newlands or Garibaldi
  5. Children who live outside the catchment area.

Preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the school’s main entrance.

Arrangements for the admission to school for children with disabilities

The following information is to be read and understood in relation to:

* The SEND policy

* The admissions policy

*Our Accessibility plan


John T. Rice Infant and Nursery school is proud of our inclusive ethos. We strive for a culture that ensures whatever the needs of our people within our school community, everyone treats one another with respect and is valued equally under the Equality Act 2010.  The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a a persons' ability to carry out normal day-day activities. 

John T. Rice Infant and Nursery school notes that not all children with special needs are defined, according to the Act, as having a disability. For those who are, admission is, in the first instance, determined in the same as as that for non-disabled pupils. 

Considerations for a place at our school are made in light of need and accessibility. If a parent/ carer requests a place at our school, we will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to ensure accessibility needs are met. This may include environmental changes to enable physical access or sensory regulation. In our everyday practice, we ensure that all school activities - both academic and extra curricular - encourage the participation of all pupils. We ensure resources within the school are organised to increase access to learning and participation by all pupils. With these adjustments in place, our usual admissions criteria would then apply. 


All pupils are provided with the opportunity to understand and value diversity. Those with a disability, as defined by The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, will be included within the full life of the school. Ways in which we strive to achieve this include:


  • Setting an admissions policy and criteria which does not discriminate against pupils with disabilities or treat them unfairly
  • Ensuring awareness of disability amongst all school staff through training bespoke to individual pupil needs when necessary
  • Planning the physical environment of the school to ensure access for the needs of pupils with disabilities
  • Planning school trips and visits so that pupils with disabilities can participate
  • Using language which does not offend, making staff and pupils aware of the importance of language
  • Ensuring that there are examples of positive images and literature including disabled people


Existing facilities provided to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities are:

  • Wheelchair access at all entrances and sections of the school
  • Ramps into external doorways 
  • Re-laid pathways around the school site
  • Exterior lighting to improve evening access
  • An accessible toilet is available
  • Handles in toilets to support getting up and down from the seat
  • Disabled parking adjacent to the main entrance
  • Display boards and walls that support sensory regulation
  • Staff training programmes on specific disabilities such as sight or hearing impairment


To find our SEND policy and Accessibility plan please go to the SEND section of our website. For further information or to come and have a look around school please phone the school office 01623 465588 and we would be more than happy to show you round. 



To apply for a full time school place please click on the School Admissions link below. Alternatively please telephone  Admissions on 0300 500 8080

Would you like to find out what parents/ carers say about our school?  Click on the link below for our most recent parent/ carer survey.
