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Koalas - Year 1



Our learning this half term is based around the theme Food Glorious Food




 In English we will be reading The Day The Banana Went Bad and Oliver's Fruit Salad. We will be writing a 'Wanted' poster to help capture the Bad Banana and we will be writing instructions to make a fruit smoothie.  



This half term we will be learning about Place Value to 10, Addition and Subtraction and Shape and patterns.  We will have an arithmetic lesson every Monday and will apply our maths skills in problem solving lessons. 






In Science our focus this half term is Animals including Humans. The children will be learning about the human body and our five senses.



In Geography we will take a walk around our local environment before learning about the four countries which make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities  We will also learn about some famous landmarks, and food associated with each country.

 In Design Technology the children will be learning about different fruits and how to prepare them ready for eating.  They will also design, make and evaluate their own fruit smoothie.

In Music we are following the Charanga Scheme of work Hey You! The children will learn to listen and appraise different styles of music and discuss how it makes them feel. The children will be using their voices expressively to perform a song.

Our Computing skills will be used throughout the half term in many of our other subjects, and we will also be learning about different types of technology and their uses, the different parts of a computer and discuss how to stay safe online using the SMART rules.

  Our RHE theme this half term is Being Me in My World.  The children will talk about what makes them special and how to be a good friend. 

In RE the learning will focus on the topic of Caring for Myself and Others


Our Forest School dates are:

Monday 16th September

Monday 30th September

Monday 2nd December




Friday 27th September - Trip to the allotment 

Monday 18th October - Visit to the Library

(Parent/Carer Helpers needed!)






We have P.E. on  Monday (Multi Skills) and Friday (Dance).  Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days, unless the Monday is their Forest School day (see dates above).  Children will need a white or green round neck t-shirt, shorts and plimsolls or trainers.  They can also come in navy blue or black joggers and jumper/hoodie.  Long hair will need to be tied back.  If possible, earrings should be taken out.  If this is not possible, they should be covered with plasters or micro-pore tape.




Homework will be posted on Weduc every Friday.  This may be a link to an activity on Education City or a spelling activity.  The children need to complete this by the following Wednesday and they will receive a stamp on their Bear Hunt Sheet for all completed homework.



Our Open Door day is Tuesday.  You are welcome into the classroom with your child at 8.40 to choose and share a book with them.  This can be taken home and returned at Open Door the following week and you can then choose a new book! 

We would love the children to read every night at home, and this to be recorded in the children's reading diary.  Children will receive a small reward when they have reached 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 nights worth of reading.



Parents Grid Autumn 1

Parents Grid Autumn 1
