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Lemurs- Year 2

Welcome to Lemur class!








We are a year 2 class!  We have very positive attitudes towards learning and embrace new learning experiences and challenges! We never give up even when something can seem tricky, you will often hear us saying "we can't do it YET" or "just keep trying". We are very hardworking, and understand mistakes are part of learning. We work collaboratively when working in groups or with a partner; we love to share our learning, ideas and experiences with each other. Miss Booth likes our lessons to be fun, enjoyable and interactive; she encourages us to immerse ourselves in our learning. She has high expectations for us and wants us to achieve the best whilst being the best versions of ourselves we can be! We are kind, caring and thoughtful friends, looking out for one another and comforting each other if we are feeling sad or hurt.


Important information about Lemur class 


PE Days: alternative Wednesdays and every Friday (Children should  come to school in their PE and remove ear-rings. (If this is not possible, please cover with a plaster or tape).

Wednesday PE days:







This term Forest School will be held on TWO Wednesdays this term: 

- 19.06.2024



Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned the following Wednesday. Children who return their  homework on time will receive a stamp on their stamp sheet and a mark on the class homework chart.


 Reading Books: Your child's reading book will be changed once a week on a Friday





This term we have different enrichment activities that will take place at school and in the local area. 

Monday 10th June: Clipstone library visit

Tuesday 9th July: Art trip

Our topic this term is ...


Summer 2


 Access more opportunities to learn, by visiting the websites below:

 Education City: (remember to login in using your assigned username and password)
 Phonics Play: 

 CBeebies Bedtime stories : 

Spelling frame: 


 This half term our focussed texts are:







Our Maths Lessons this half term will focus fractions and time.

 We will also be participating in problem solving and reasoning lessons based on the concepts learnt throughout the week. 



Our focus this half term is Living things and their habitats. The children will be learning about different animals and where they live. They will be sorting animals into carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. This will help them to make a simple food chain. 

White Post farm will be visiting to help us with our learning. 


In computing this half term, we will be looking at Word Processing and Presentation Skills.

The children will learn how to use Google Docs on the Chrome Book to type up work and save into their class folder. The children will learn how to use PowerPoint.

This half term we will be focusing on about Map Skills.

The children will be looking at aerial photographs and maps of our school.

They will then learn how to make their own map of our school playground including a simple key.


We will be following the topic “Relationships”.


The children will be talking about the different relationships they have with family and friends.

We will also be talking about how to be a good friend.




Big Bedtime Read

A baby dragon hatched in Lemur Class!

Parents maths lesson!

Science week!

Our visit to the local library

The Great Fire of London Drama

Grandparents Reading in Lemur Class

Our first week in Lemur Class

Our magic seeds turned into pumpkins!
