Welcome to Orangutans!
Our grown ups
Mrs Brudzinski is our class teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays Mrs Tinsley is our class teacher on Thursdays and Fridays.
Mrs Morley is our class teaching assistant.
We are a mixed year 1 and 2 class! We have very positive attitudes towards learning and embrace
new learning experiences and challenges! We never give up even when something can seem tricky, you will
often hear us saying "we can't do it YET" or "just keep trying". We are very hardworking, and understand
mistakes are part of learning. We work collaboratively when working in groups or with a partner; we love to
share our learning, ideas and experiences with each other. Our grown ups like our lessons to be fun, enjoyable
and interactive; they encourage us to immerse ourselves in our learning. They have high expectations for us and
want us to achieve the best whilst being the best versions of ourselves we can be! We are kind, caring
and thoughtful friends, looking out for one another and comforting each other if we are feeling sad or hurt.
Our topic this half term is...
In English our focus texts will be "The day the banana went bad" and "Oliver's fruit salad".
Throughout the week we will have handwriting, grammar and spellings lessons. During Shared Reading lessons, we will be
focussing on fiction and non-fiction texts about food.
Year 1; This half term, our Maths learning will focus upon place value to 10, addition and subtraction and shape and patterns.
Year 2; This half term, our Maths learning will focus upon place value to 100, addition and subtraction to 100 and shape.
We will apply our learning in problem solving lessons.
This half term, our Science learning will focus upon Animals including humans.
Year 1s will specifically learn about the human body. They will also be taught about our senses and how they are used.
Year 2s will be specifically learn about the importance of exercise, hygiene and about eating the right amounts of different
types of food.
In Geography, our learning will focus on the different countries that make up the UK. We will be learning about the different
capital cities and a variety of famous landmarks and food from the UK.
During Design Technology lessons, we will be learning about different types of fruit and how to prepare them. We will then
design, make and evaluate our own fruit smoothies.
In Computing we will firstly be learning about the SMART rules. Year 1 children will then learn about the main parts that make
up a computer and iPad. They will learn how to use a mouse and keyboard correctly. Year 2 children will focus on using IT
During RE lessons our learning will focus on "Myself and caring for others" (Year 1) and " Belonging" (Year 2). We will learn
about what it feels like to belong to a group and about what happens at a Christening.
In Music our topics are " Hey you" (Year 1) and "Hands, feet and heart" (Year 2). We will be learning how to use our
voices expressively to sing songs and speak chants and rhymes.
During RHE (JIGSAW) lessons we will be following the topic "Being me in my world". We will be exploring what makes us special
and a good friend. We will also be learning how to keep ourselves safe and healthy.
We have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on Wednesdays and Fridays (unless there is a Forest School
session on the Tuesday). Children should wear a white or green round neck t shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms and
plimsolls or trainers. Long hair MUST be tied back. If possible, earrings should be removed however they can be
covered with plasters or micro-pore tape if they are unable to be taken out.
Homework will be published on WEDUC every Friday. This will be a link to an activity on Education City or a spelling activity. The children need to complete this by the following Wednesday. They will receive a stamp on their Bear Hunt or Stick Man
sheet for each piece of homework completed.
Your child's reading book will be changed once a week, every Friday. Please make sure your child brings their reading book into
school every day. We expect children to read at home, and this to be recorded in their reading diary.
Our Forest School dates this half term are:
- Friday 13th September
- Friday 27th September
Please bring wellies or a change of shoes to school in a carrier bag so that we can change into them outside before
the session.
Trips ,Visitors and important dates
- 20th September - Allotment visit
-1st October - Life Space Education (My Wonderful Body)
- 8th October - Harvest Festival
- 15th October -Parents Evening meetings (1:15pm- 3:15pm)
-17th October- Parents Evening meetings (3:30pm-6:30pm)
Useful website links.
Below are some websites you may find useful to support your child's learning: