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Orangutans- Year 1 & Year 2

Welcome to Orangutans!

  Our grown ups




   Mrs Brudzinski is our class teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays      Mrs Tinsley is our class teacher on Thursdays and Fridays.



     Miss Snood is our class teaching assistant.                                          Miss Mercer is our extra support teaching assistant. 




 We are a mixed year 1 and 2  class!  We have very positive attitudes towards learning and embrace
 new learning experiences and challenges! We never give up even when something can seem tricky, you will
 often hear us saying "we can't do it YET" or "just keep trying". We are very hardworking, and understand
 mistakes are part of learning. We work collaboratively when working in groups or with a partner; we love to

 share our learning, ideas and experiences with each other. Our grown ups like our lessons to be fun, enjoyable
 and interactive; they encourage us to immerse ourselves in our learning. They have high expectations for us and
 want us to achieve the best whilst being the best versions of ourselves we can be! We are kind, caring
 and thoughtful friends, looking out for one another and comforting each other if we are feeling sad or hurt.


 Our topic this half term is...





  In English our focus texts will be "The Snail and the Whale" and "Tiddler". 
 Throughout the week we will have handwriting, grammar and spellings lessons. During Shared Reading lessons, we will be 
 focussing on fiction and non-fiction texts about ocean animals and pollution of the ocean.




 Year 1; This half term, our Maths learning will focus upon fractions, shape, and multiplication and division. 

 Year 2; This half term, our Maths learning will focus upon statistics, position and directions and addition and subtraction.
 We will apply our learning in problem solving lessons. 




  This half term, our  Science learning will focus upon Animals including humans. 
  Year 1s will specifically learn about animal groups, the features of different animal groups and how to compare the different 
  types of animals within the animal groups. 
  Year 2s will be specifically learn about animals and their offspring, the lifecycle of a frog and the lifecycle of a human and 
  the basic needs of different animals.
  Later in the half term we will have a Science day completing different Science investigations. 




 In Geography, our learning will focus on the seven continents and five oceans. We will be learning where they are on a map,
 what the weather is like and which different animals live there in the wild. 
 During Art and Design lessons, we will be learning
 about the artist Michelle Reader, who makes animal sculptures from recycled materials. We will be visiting her at her gallery and
 then using the inspiration from the gallery visit to create our own sea life animal from an assortment of recycled materials. 
In Computing the Year 1s learning will be learning how to use the Scratch Junior programme to program different characters.
 The Year 2s will also be using Scratch Junior, but to create a quiz about ocean animals. 
During RE lessons our learning will
 focus on the topic of "Story". We will be listening to different stories told by the Christian and Jewish faith, and discussing their
 meanings. We will then be recording them as a story map or comic strip for other children to read. 
In Music our topic is 
 "Reflect, Rewind and Replay" following the Charanga scheme of work. We will be listening and appraising different music, 
 learning how to sing songs, play instruments to accompany the songs we sing and perform for others. 
 lessons we will be following the topic "Changing Me". We will be talking about how people's lives change as they get older. We
 will also be discussing our feelings about moving classes or schools. 




 We have PE on Tuesdays (gymnastics)  and Fridays (striking and fielding games, kwik cricket).
 During gymnastics  lessons we will be using the skills previously taught to use the big apparatus safely . During kwik cricket
 lessons, we will be learning the skills needed to attack and defend. 

 Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on Tuesdays and Fridays (unless there is a Forest School
 session on the Tuesday). Children should wear a white or green round neck t shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms and 
 plimsolls or trainers. Long hair MUST be tied back. If possible, earrings should be removed however they can be 
 covered with plasters or micro-pore tape if they are unable to be taken out. 


Summer 1 parent curriculum grid


 Homework will be published on WEDUC every Friday. This will be a link to an activity on Education City or a spelling activity. The children need to complete this by the following Wednesday. They will receive a stamp on their Bear Hunt or Stick Man
 sheet for each piece of homework completed. 



 Your child's reading book will be changed once a week, every Friday. Please make sure your child brings their reading book into
 school every day. We expect children to read at home, and this to be recorded in their reading diary. 


  Our Forest School dates this half term are:

 - Tuesday 18th June
 - Tuesday 16th July

  Please bring wellies or a change of shoes to school in a carrier bag so that we can change into them outside before
  the session. 




Trips ,Visitors and important dates


 - 7th June - Vicar Water visit
  -10th June- Year 1 Phonic Screening check
 - 11th June- Sports Day @ 9am
 - 17th June- Library visit

 -20th June- Summer fair ' 2pm (children to be collected from classroom door)
 - 3rd July- Transition morning. Year 1 children to visit and spend time with their Year 2 teacher and class. Year 2 children to
 visit Newlands 9am-1pm

 - 9th July- Welbeck Gallery visit (Michelle Reader's art gallery) 

 - 18th July- Transition afternoon. 
 -19th July- End of year reports sent out via WEDUC
 -23rd July - Year 2 leaver's assembly @ 9am and 2pm

 - 25th July- Year 2 leaver's party 1:30-3pm

 -26th July- Year 2 water explosion afternoon of fun



Tiddler 2 performance

Still image for this video

Mansfield Town Football Club penalty shootout 19.4.23

Mansfield Town Football Club Training Session 23.04.24

Red Nose Day 2024

Maths Parent and Carer Session 27.02.24

Baking cheese scones 05.02.24

Great Fire of London Drama Workshop 09.01.24

Diwali dancing 16.11.23

Anti bullying workshop 13.11.23

Our Virtual Author session

Visit to Clipstone allotments 22.9.23

Useful website links.

Below are some websites you may find useful to support your child's learning:
