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Parental views

Parental views


Here are John T. Rice Infant School it is vital to us that parents/carers are active and part of their child's learning journey from the very first day they start with us. Adults within a child's life can be the deciding factor as to how well a child thrives.


Here at John T. Rice Infants we operate an open-door policy and from Nursery onwards, we warmly welcome parents/ carers in to see what we do!  We organise a range of parent/ carer 'fun' sessions for you to come and join in such as messy play, story sessions, grandparent workshops and many, many more throughout the year!


Children in Foundation Stage 2 classes have a weekly 'open door' story session/ name writing session where parents are invited to stay with their child at the start of the day at 8:40am and help with their morning task of name writing and then to share a story.  The children and parents/carers gain a great deal from this.


Children in Key Stage 1 have a weekly 'open door' reading session where parents/carers come into school at 2:50pm and share a story with their child. This is well-attended and the children enjoy these sessions immensely.


It is our primary aim to involve parents/carers in their child's learning journey and share in the excitement of the amazing learning that takes place at our school.




Outcomes of parent/ carer questionnaire 2022
