Mrs Scotney is our class teacher. She loves making our learning fun and exciting! We also have two special friends in our class called Mr Parrot and Rosie. They help us with our learning but can sometimes cause mischief in our classroom! Mrs Scotney loves singing and dancing with us during our wake and shake sessions (although her singing isn't that great!) Her favourite author is Julia Donaldson and she has LOTS of her books which she enjoys reading to us. Parrot Class is a Foundation 2/Year 1 class and we are all Superhero learners! We love a challenge and we always have a can do attitude. We always work as a team and help our friends when they need us.
Important Information about Parrot Class
P.E Days- All children have P.E onThursdays. Year 1 also have P.E on Fridays. Please make sure that your child is wearing their P.E kit to school and that any jackets/hoodies are labelled. If you have earrings please take them out or cover them with plasters and tie long hair up.
Labelling clothes- Please label all cardigans, jumpers, coats, hats etc with your child's name!
Homework- All children are expected to read 4 times per week. Reading rewards are also given at the end of each half term for children who have read 25 times or more over the half term.
Year 1 children will be set homework activities on Education City on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.
Reading Books- Your child's reading book will be changed once a week on a Friday. Please make sure children bring their book to school each day.
Our Learning this half term will be based around the theme of 'Our Wonderful World'.
Our special stories are ‘The Naughty Bus’, ‘The Koala Who Could’ and 'The Great Race'. We are very excited to begin our Drawing Club Journey. Each week we will read one of the stories and then create our own characters and adventures based on them. We will use our phonics knowledge to write labels and codes linked to our drawings. We will also be having a special visit from someone we will need to look after! He has come all the way from Australia, and we will need to write some questions to find out more about him. Finally, we will be learning to sequence and retell the story of The Great Race. In our daily phonics sessions, we will learn the Phase 3 letter sounds and how to blend and segment these sounds in words.
We take a mastery approach to maths. Focusing on a number over two weeks to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of each number. We will be counting, recognising and ordering these numbers. We will also be finding numbers that are one more/less and learning how to partition the numbers to help us to add and subtract them. We will also learn to name and talk about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.
In Science our focus will continue to be Materials. We will talk about different materials and their properties and sort objects according to what materials they are made from. The year 1’s will use their knowledge of materials and their properties to investigate which material would be most suitable to make a waterproof hat. During the last part of the half term, we will think about what happens to objects and materials when they are no longer needed or being used. We will learn about the dangers of litter and how we can recycle and reuse materials. F2 children will explore freezing and melting.
Our Learning this half term will be based around the topic of ‘Our Wonderful World. In Geography/UTW we will be learning about London, Australia and China and comparing these countries to where we live. We will also be exploring our local area further by going for a ride on a big red bus! In Expressive Arts and Design the children will have access to the home corner where they will be using their imagination to recreate roles and experiences. Our outdoor role play area will be a London Bus and then an aeroplane where children can travel around the world! We will also be practising our painting skills, including colour mixing. We will then apply these skills to create some aboriginal art. During Music sessions, we will be following the Charanga Music scheme. We will listen and respond to different styles of music and explore and create (pulse, rhythm and pitch) using voices and instruments. . In Computing we will be learning what an algorithm is and will practise our pre-programming skills. In RE, the F2 children will learn about special places and the Year 1 children about symbols related to Christianity and will walk to our local church.
In their weekly P.E sessions the F2 children will take part in Balanceabilty sessions. The Year 1 children will take part in Unihoc and Gymnastics. The children will also be taking part in Chinese dancing. They will join in with daily wake & shake and yoga to help to improve their core stregth, balance and coordination. The children also have access to a wide range of ourdoor equipment which they can access on a daily basis during free flow.
Our Jigsaw theme this half term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ and the children will be discussing how to set themselves targets and goals for the year ahead.
Our British Value focus is Rule of Law. We will learn about this through a range of stories and by discussing our school rules in more detail.
We will continue to take part in our Well-Being Wednesday sessions to help us to learn how we can look after our well-being and mental health.
Our Forest School sessions this half term are-
Monday 20th January
Monday 3rd February
Children need to come dressed in weather appropriate clothes that can get muddy. Please send children with wellies or old shoes in a named bag so that the can get changed into them before the session.
Learning Activities
Click on the links below to have a go at some fun games that will help you with your learning.
Education City
Phonics Play
Phonics Bloom
Oxford Owl
Numberblocks Activities
Numberblocks Episodes
Alphablocks Activities
Alphablocks Episodes
Have a look at the slideshows below to find out what fun learning activities we have been taking part in!