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Parrots - Foundation Stage 2 & Year 1

Our Teachers

Our Teaching Assistants

Mrs Scotney is our class teacher. She loves making our learning fun and exciting! We also have two special friends in our class called Mr Parrot and Rosie. They help us with our learning but can sometimes cause mischief in our classroom! Mrs Scotney loves singing and dancing with us during our wake and shake sessions (although her singing isn't that great!) Her favourite author is Julia Donaldson and she has LOTS of her books which she enjoys reading to us. Parrot Class is a Foundation 2/Year 1 class and we are all Superhero learners! We love a challenge and we always have a can do attitude. We always work as a team and help our friends when they need us. We enjoy our 'Rainbow Challenges' when we take charge of our own learning, deciding which challenges we want to complete first. 

Important Information about Parrot Class

P.E Days- All children have P.E onThursdays. Year 1 also have P.E on Fridays. Please make sure that your child is wearing their P.E kit to school and that any jackets/hoodies are labelled. If you have earrings please take them out or cover them with plasters and tie long hair up.

Labelling clothes- Please label all cardigans, jumpers, coats, hats etc with your child's name!

Homework- All children are expected to read 4 times per week. Reading rewards are also given at the end of each half term for children who have read 25 times or more over the half term. 

Year 1 children will be set homework activities on Education City on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. 


Reading Books- Your child's reading book will be changed once a week on a Friday. Please make sure children bring their book to school each day. 




Our Learning this half term will be based around the theme of 'Food, Glorious Food'. 






Our special stories this term are ‘Supertato and the Carnival Catastropea’, ‘Kitchen Disco’ and ‘The Papaya that spoke’. The children will design and make their own Supertato. They will sort healthy and non-healthy foods and think about what letter sounds they begin with. The children will take part in weekly mark making mornings to encourage a love of writing. They will also practise writing their name with a focus on correct letter formation. In our daily phonics sessions, we will learn the Phase 2 letter sounds and how to blend and segment these sounds in words.  

We will be taking a mastery approach to maths. Focusing on a number over two weeks using Numberblocks as a stimulus, to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of each number. We will be counting, recognising, forming and ordering these numbers. We will also be finding numbers that are one more/less using practical resources to help us. Children will be learning to understand and use positional language. We will also be sequencing our daily routine.

Our focus this half term is Animals including Humans. The children will learn about different foods, where they come from and which ones help to keep us healthy. Also, how we need to exercise and have basic hygiene to stay healthy. They will learn about their own bodies and name the different parts. The children will also learn about the 5 senses and which body part is associated with each one. We are excited about our visit from Life Space Education where we will learn more about our bodies and how to live a healthy lifestyle. 



In Geography the Year 1s will be learning about our local area and then move on to learn about the countries in the UK. 

In Expressive Art and Design we will help to set up our class home corner where children can use their imagination to recreate roles and experiences. Our outdoor role play area will be a Superhero Lair where we can dress up and pretend to be superheroes saving the day! We will also design and make our own superhero masks. The children will be working on their pencil skills to help them to draw a superhero version of themselves. In Design and technology Year 1s will design, make and evalate a healthy fruit smoothie. F2's will make a fruit kebab. 

 In Computing we will be learning how to use the iPads and Chromebooks.

During Music sessions, we will be following the Charanga Music scheme. We will listen and respond to different styles of music and explore and create (pulse, rhythm and pitch) using voices and instruments. 

In RE, the children will begin to appreciate their uniqueness and what makes them special. 



This half term in PE/PD the Year 1 children will take part in Dance and Games. 

The F2 children will be taking part in weekly P.E lessons focusing on spatial awareness and different ways of travelling.

In class we enjoy our daily wake & shake, dough disco and Yoga sessions to help us to develop our balance, co-ordination, and core strength. The children also have access to a wide range of ourdoor equipment which they can access on a daily basis during free flow. 


Our Jigsaw topic is  ‘Being Me in My World’. We will talk about our feelings, working together (e.g. listening to adults, tidying up, playing nicely with our friends). The Year 1 children will learn about what makes tham special and what makes a good friend. The children will also  learn about the Zones of Regulation and how we can manage our feelings in each of the zones. 

We will continue to take part in our daily yoga and Well-Being Wednesday sessions to help us to learn how we can look after our well-being and mental health. 





Our Forest School sessions this half term are-

Monday 9th September

Monday 23rd September

Monday 25th November


Children need to come dressed in weather appropriate clothes that can get muddy. Please send children with wellies or old shoes in a named bag so that the can get changed into them before the session. 

Learning Activities

Click on the links below to have a go at some fun games that will help you with your learning.

Education City

Phonics Play

Phonics Bloom

Oxford Owl

Numberblocks Activities

Numberblocks Episodes

Alphablocks Activities

Alphablocks Episodes



Have a look at the slideshows below to find out what fun learning activities we have been taking part in!

Harvest Song

Still image for this video

Life Education Tent- All about Me and my body!
