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Fundraising News

The project we are raising funds for is to purchase an outdoor reading shed

The target is approximately £7,500.00

We organised bonfire discos for the children on the 4th & 5th November

Everyone had a fantastic time, the children absolutely love to get together especially to dress up and have a boogie.

The money raised from the discos was £228 

Thank you for your support

Welcome from the PTA

The PTA Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to all new parents/carers to the school and welcome back existing members.  The PTA is the Parent Teacher Association and every parent/carer automatically becomes part of the PTA when their child joins the school.  So welcome aboard!


Our aim is to raise funds for the school, whilst also getting to know each other and having fun at the same time.  In addition to fund-raising we also provide help for school events. We have a core team of volunteers who work together to co-ordinate fund-raising events and we are always grateful for any help you can give - even just an hour at the Summer Fayre is appreciated.  Do come along to PTA meetings (advertised in our Facebook group and via text) throughout the year.


We look forward to seeing you at our up-coming events.



Our next meeting is...


Wednesday 8th November at 9am

Have you got an hour to spare and any ideas for fundraising, then please come along to our next meeting for a chat to help us organise forthcoming events and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea!



With the help of a fantastic team of volunteers we organised various fundraising events to enable the school to purchase a new oven for the baking sessions for the classes. We would like to say a big thank you to the team. But, of course we would not have achieved this without the tremendous support and generosity from all parents/carers, massive thank you to you all. We will be fundraising again this year, project to be confirmed.   

What we have achieved so far!

Our PTA was set up in December 2017. So far we have helped to organise and run events such as The Christmas Fair, Valentines Discos and many other events. With the generous support over the years from parents/carers we have bought an amazing new climbing frame, new oven, and most recently with an additional generous donation from Lashes Foundation the new shed (The Hub) is in operation for the use of pre-loved uniform, book swap and the tuck shop.





Past Events...


One popular event that we organise are the Valentines Discos which take place every February!



