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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice @ John T. Rice Infant and Nursery School

The children here have a pivotal part to play in the development and future of our school. We believe that children of all ages should have a voice within their school and begin to make and shape decisions that directly affect them.

All of the children in the groups listed below have been democratically decided by their peers.


Here are some of the ways the children at John T. Rice are involved in sharing their ideas, supporting one another and shaping the future of our school community.


School librarians

The school librarians meet every Friday to audit and sort the library and reading books. They work in a team and always have fun while they do their job. An important part of their role is to identify books that are in need of restoration and pass on their ideas about what books the library needs in order to boost its stock.




Playground Pals


The playground Pals have a vital role during playtimes and lunchtimes. They are responsible for the playground equipment and set up a section of the playground for children to come into to play.

They have a clear understanding that part of their role is to support other children with positive play.



School Council

Our school council is elected at the start of the year and children exercise their democratic vote. Each class selects two representatives who will best share the views of their class when in council meetings. The council meet at least once a term to organise school events and use their voice to suggest changes and adaptions that will benefit the school.



Office Angels

Our office angels help out once a week in the school office. They spend a short amount of time at break time on a Friday helping with the tasks in the office. Without their help the adults in the office would really struggle. 


Eco warriors

Meet our Eco team. They work with Mrs Booth on making sure our school can be as Eco friendly as possible. They sort the fruit bins out, make sure taps are switched off and doors are closed in the winter. 


Pupil questionnaire outcomes 2023

As a school we ensure we listen to the ideas and thoughts of the children who attend here. It is vital to us that they have a shared ownership and responsibility for the school and they love school as much as the adults who work here!

Children in Y1 and Y2 had the opportunity to complete the questionnaire. 

