Welcome to Tigers!
PE: All children will have P.E on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child is wearing their P.E kit to school and that any jackets/hoodies are labelled. If you have earrings please take them out or cover them with plasters and tie long hair up.
Homework: All children are expected to read 4 times per week. Reading rewards are also given at the end of each half term for children who have read 25 times or more over the half term.
Open Door is on a Thursday morning 8.40-8:55
Reading Books: Your child's reading book will be changed once a week on a Friday. Please make sure children bring their book to school each day.
In Tiger Class we always try our best and have a go even when it's tricky. We love a challenge and understand it's ok to make mistakes, that just shows we're learning! We are kind to all our friends in Tiger Class and we like to help each other. We're all superstars!
Our Learning Challenge for this term is...
Our Learning this half term will be based around the theme of 'Once Upon A Time'. In UTW Past and Present this half term, we shall be learning about changes over time, in particular about the similiarities and differences of toys and games from the past.
In Expressive Art and Design our outdoor role play area will be a based around the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, children will have the opportunity to use masks and props to retell the story. The children will be learning to use a range of fixing and joining skills. They will also use salt dough to create a Diva Lamp. All the children will create art work to celebrate Remembrance Day. In Computing we will be learning how to use the iPads and access different literacy and maths apps.
During Music sessions, we will be following the Charanga Music scheme. We will listen and respond to different styles of music and explore and create (pulse, rhythm and pitch) using voices and instruments. We will also practise and perform our Christmas concert. In RE will be learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. They will also learn about the Christmas Story and how different families celebrate Christmas.
Our special stories this term are- Dipal’s Diwali, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Christmas Story. We will be reading and following instructions to help us make a diva lamp. We will be using 'Talk for Writing' to help us to retell the story of Goldilocks. The children will also learn to retell the Christmas story through role play. The children will take part in weekly mark making mornings to encourage a love of writing. They will also practise writing their name with a focus on correct letter formation. In our daily phonics sessions, we will learn the Phase 2 letter sounds and how to blend and segment these sounds in words.
We will be taking a mastery approach to maths. Focusing on a number every two weeks to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of each number. We will be counting, recognising, forming and ordering these numbers. We will also be finding numbers that are one more/less and learning how to partition the numbers to help us to add and subtract them.
The children will be taking part in weekly P.E lessons focusing on spatial awareness and working as a team.
In class we enjoy our daily wake & shake, dough disco and Yoga sessions to help us to develop our balance, co-ordination, and core strength. The children also have access to a wide range of outdoor equipment which they can access on a daily basis during free flow.
Our Jigsaw topic is is ‘Celebrating Differences’ We will also be taking part in Anti-bullying week. The children will also continue to learn about the Zones of Regulation and how we can manage our feelings in each of the zones.
We will continue to take part in our daily yoga and Well-Being Wednesday sessions to help us to learn how we can look after our well-being and mental health.
Our British Value focus is Respect. We will discuss how we have respect for children and adults at school and what having good manners look like.
Below are some useful links for at home learning.