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Tigers - Foundation Stage 2

Welcome to Tigers!


Important information about Tiger Class


PE: All children will have P.E on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child is wearing their P.E kit to school and that any jackets/hoodies are labelled. If you have earrings please take them out or cover them with plasters and tie long hair up.

Homework: All children are expected to read 4 times per week. Reading rewards are also given at the end of each half term for children who have read 25 times or more over the half term.

Open Door is on a Thursday morning 8.40-8:55

Reading Books: Your child's reading book will be changed once a week on a Friday. Please make sure children bring their book to school each day.



All about Tiger Class

In Tiger Class we always try our best and have a go even when it's tricky. We love a challenge and understand it's ok to make mistakes, that just shows we're learning! We are kind to all our friends in Tiger Class and we like to help each other. We're all superstars!



                                                                        Our Learning Challenge for this term is...


Our Learning this half term will be based around the theme of 'Over and under the ocean' with a focus on pirates and sea creatures! As part of our UTW learning, we will learn the names of different sea creatures and discuss their different features. We will look at maps of the places we are visiting to help us know how to get there. We will also be creating our own pirate treasure maps. We are excited about our trips to the library and the seaside! I will be asking the children to send photos of when they were a baby to discuss how they have changed. We will be investigating floating and sinking by testing different materials.

In Expressive Arts and Design the children will be exploring a range of fixing and joining techniques and will use these skills to create a boat that floats, linking to our UTW investigation. In Computing we will be exploring a range of apps on the iPads. During Music sessions, we will be following the Charanga Music scheme. We will listen and respond to different styles of music and explore and create (pulse, rhythm and pitch) using voices and instruments. 

In RE, our topic is 'Our Wonderful World'. The children will be thinking about how they can care for living things and the Earth.






Our special stories are are ‘Commotion in the Ocean, ‘Pirates in the Supermarket’ and ‘Pirate’s love underpants’. We will be creating some giant under the sea pictures in the hall and using our phonics skills to label them. We will also be writing about what a pirate might see when they look through their telescope. We will write a postcard to send to someone special all about our seaside trip. Finally, we will be writing lists of party food and invitations to our Pirate Party! In our daily Supersonic Phonics sessions we will continue to embed the Basics 3 letter sounds and how to blend and segment these sounds in words.



We take a mastery approach to Maths. Focusing on a number per week to gain an in-depth knowledge & understanding of each number. We will be counting, recognising and ordering these numbers. We will be learning how to partition the numbers to help us to add and subtract them using a range of resources such as 10s frames, part-part whole templates and Numicon to help us. We will also be exploring weight and length and learning about odds and evens.  



In PE/PD the F2 children will continue taking part in weekly lessons in preparation for Sports Day. We will also be practising our throwing and catching skills this term. In class we enjoy our daily wake & shake, dough disco and Yoga sessions to help us to develop our balance, co-ordination, and core strength. The children also have access to a wide range of outdoor equipment which they can access on a daily basis during free flow. 



Our Jigsaw topic is ‘Changing Me’ we will talk about growing up, changes and how we feel about moving into our new classes. We will be recapping all of the British Values that we have learnt about this year.

We will continue to take part in our daily yoga and Well-Being Wednesday sessions to help us to learn how we can look after our well-being and mental health.






Football with Mansfield F.C

Learning Activities


Below are some useful links for at home learning. 

Summer 2 F2 Parents Grid

Children In Need

Celebrating Diwali

Library Visit

Our harvest song: The Farmer plants the seeds Part 1

Still image for this video

Part 2

Still image for this video

Part 3

Still image for this video

Forest School

First full week in Tigers!
