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Eco school

Eco school

Our school holds the Eco-schools award and gained this in February 2017. To gain the award the school had to demonstrate the following things:

  • Have a committee of children one from each class
  • Hold a review of of Eco practises in all ten areas of the Eco-schools topics
  • Create an action plan that related to the outcomes of the review


The ten topics that Eco-schools look at are:

* Biodiversity

* Energy

* Global citizenship

* Healthy Living

* Litter

* Marine

* School Grounds

* Transport

* Waste

* Water

To find out about each one in more detail please click on the link below.


What do we do in school to make sure we are Eco- friendly?

As a school we do lots of things to make sure we are looking after our planet.


We turn off the taps to save water.


We put our fruit skins and peel in the small compost bins in our class to reduce waste. 


We ask everyone to turn off the lights when they are not in the room to save electricity. 


We put our fruit skins and peel into the larger compost bins and then use the soil in our school planters. 


We ask everyone to close the doors to keep the heat inside.


We keep our pond and nature area tidy and encourage local wildlife in to use it. 


To find out more about Eco Schools please click on the link below:
