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Language and communication

At John T. Rice Infant and nursery school Language development and talk lie at the heart of everything we do. It is our belief that language is the key to life long learning and the ability for all children to achieve to their full potential. We believe that if children can communicate effectively they can access all areas of the curriculum, asking pertinent questions and furthering their understanding. 

Here at JTR language development threads through every aspect of curriculum planning with staff ensuring it has a high priority in all subjects. Both word understanding and full comprehension lie at the core of all subjects. 

Children are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary linked to every subject they are taught and are actively encouraged to use these words when independently learning. 

Children in all classes have experience of the word of the week and again are encouraged to use this in both the spoken and written form. They also are given a sign of the month (Makaton sign) and again encouraged to use. 


Below are links to support the children's language and communication.  If you have any concerns related to your child's spoken language please get in touch via your child's class teacher or the school's SENDCO

