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Mental health at JTR

Mental Health & Well-being at John T. Rice


Mental Health & Well-being Lead- Mrs Clare Renshaw

ELSA Teaching Assistant- Ms Shelley Snood

Speech and language specialist TA - Ms Shelley Snood


Mental Health & Well- Being is a high priority for pupils and staff at John T. Rice. Mrs Renshaw leads in this area in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team. Many staff are trained in delivering specific interventions with the children, including sensory circuits and social stories. Some TAs are trained in areas such as ELSA, Lego Therapy, and Talk & Draw therapy. We also have a Behaviour Specialist TA who works in school one day a week.


All staff foster a supportive and nurturing environment in their classrooms, with structured class routines, clear and consistent boundaries, positive reinforcement and praise, and time given to develop good relationships with all children.


All classes take part in Wellbeing Wednesday and practise mindfulness, breathing exercises and yoga to support their well-being. Children are taught about emotions through the Jigsaw PSHE scheme and the Zones of Regulation, and each class has the family of Mood Monsters to help the children express how they feel in certain situations. There are also Well Done Assemblies each week to celebrate children’s achievements.


At John T. Rice we recognise the value of the outdoor environment and the positive impact it can have on Mental Health. We have established a Forest School and all classes have the opportunity to spend time in this environment every 2 weeks throughout the year.


Staff well-being is really important at John T. Rice and we expect that all staff are treated with respect by pupils, parents and their peers. Staff work incredibly hard with all children in school and the leadership team ensure that they are supported well and that CPD meets their needs. Staff have termly Wellbeing meetings with a member of the leadership team, and the Headteacher is always available for staff to talk to. There are also various informal staff events which staff can choose to be involved with.


Information about supporting children's mental health:
